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Image by Nik Shuliahin

Hi, we're Mind the Gap and we provide Mental Health  Training

What we do

We offer mental health first aid training sessions accredited by MHFA England. For Individuals, Charities and Industry in London and the South East of England.

Why is Mental Health Important?

Mental health has never been a bigger issue than right now. It affects us all in our family life and work place. Mental health training provides the skills to help manage health and well-being proactively, minimise the impact of mental ill health on your family friends or business and colleagues, and promote and maintain healthy workplaces.

In the workplace, poor mental health costs UK employers up to Â£45 billion each year. But for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions, they get back £5 in reduced absence and staff turnover according to a recent study by Deloitte.

Our training and consultancy is here to support you to manage health and wellbeing proactively, minimise the impact of mental ill health on your business and your people, and promote and maintain healthy workplaces. 


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Our Courses

We’ll work alongside you to deliver training that works around you. We offer collective courses for individuals, group courses up to 16 and bespoke solutions for business. We deliver services in any suitable venue, including at one of our regular locations or in a specific place specified by you.



2 Days
From £300 per person *

This course qualifies your employees as Mental Health First Aiders, giving them:


  • An in-depth understanding of mental health

  • Practical skills to spot signs of mental health issues

  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support

  • Enhanced interpersonal skills

  • Knowledge to help provide guidance and support

  • Staying safe while performing their duties

Mental Health First Aid Refresher

1 Day
From £150 per person *

Refreshers should be every three years. Each refresher course provides:


  • Renewal of key skills 

  • Further Confidence in application

  • Updating their knowledge of mental health supports 

  • Additional practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan 



Mental Health Aware

1/2 Day
From £100 Per Person*

This course offers an intorduction to mental health giving a broad understanding to individuals and employees, the course provides:

  • An understanding of what mental health is and how to challenge stigma

  • A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues

  • An introduction to looking after their own mental health and maintaining wellbeing

  • Confidence to offer support someone in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue

Youth Mental Health First Aider

2 Day
From £300 Per Person*

This course qualifies the individual to become a Mental Health First Aider for young people, benefits include:


  • An in-depth understanding of young people’s mental health

  • Practical skills to spot signs of mental health issues 

  • Confidence to support a young person in distress

  • Enhanced interpersonal skills 

  • Knowledge to help a young person recover their mental health

  • Ability to support a young person with a long term mental health issue or disability to thrive

  • Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing â€‹

Our Instructors

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Nick Usher

Senior Instructor

Nick Usher is the senior trainer at Mind the Gap training a company delivering Mental health training and awareness both for Organisations and individuals alike.  Spending nearly 2 decades working in the construction and rail industry he identified a need for mental health conversations to be had within the construction industry after realising firsthand the high rates of mental health issues and suicide numbers within the industry.  Following this he set up Mind the Gap training to offer Mental health courses within the construction & Rail Sector but with the growing need for mental health awareness within all environments personal and corporate he also offers bespoke courses across all platforms.
Like many of us Nick has personally experienced the effects of mental health after supporting close family members through times of need.
Nick was trained and accredited by Mental Health First Aid England and is continuing his personal development constantly across the broad range of the mental health spectrum.

Get in Touch

We’d love to hear from you! Reach out today with any questions, or simply to learn more about Mind the Gap Training.

Mind the Gap Training, Longfield, Kent

07908 619501

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